Monday, March 3

Well we still don't know where my husband's company is going (of course even if I did I wouldn't publish it here). They don't even have a deployment date yet. You know it seems like if they were going to activate a company then they might do it when they had a place for them to go and a time for them to leave. Not the Marine Corps! I can be as sensitive as the next girl but when it comes to my husband having to be away from me for a year OR TWO then I'm an emotional car wreck. Before my husband got activated I didn't even like it when he had to go to drill for the weekend because I missed him like crazy. Now the Marine Corps is asking . . . no telling me, that I have to be separated from my husband for up to two years! But don't worry because we'll get our housing paid for and we'll even get $100 a month to pay for him have to be away from me. Yay! That just makes it all better. I am simply not emotionally prepared to deal with this. I keep praying that God will keep him here with me and I know that nothing is impossible through Him if we believe, but it's not looking like it's going to happen. I don't want to start praying for peace about the situation because that means that he really is going to have to leave me and I don't know if I can face that yet.

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