Thursday, July 23


There is nothing more frustrating than trying to get something to work on the computer that you know should work. I spent several hours this morning trying to get these free actions that I had downloaded for Photoshop and no matter what I did I couldn't get them to work. I couldn't even find the folder that I was supposed to install them into. It turned out the folder I needed to install them into was hidden and due to having vista now I wasn't sure how to make hidden folders visible. A little more research on the internet and I found what I needed to do. Then I followed one set of instructions for adding the actions and it only enabled me to use one out of four of the actions in the bundle. I finally found a different destination folder to put the file into and now, FINALLY, I can use all four actions. What a relief, because this morning I was tempted to throw the laptop across the room. So here are my first attempts at using the different filters.

The original