Friday, March 5

Instead of super aunt, it's super mom

From Friends, the One where Emma cries:

"Monica: I can’t believe it! She’s asleep! I got her to go to sleep! I have actual magical powers!"

Okay, so I know I'm not super mom.  There are times when Ethan's crying and I can't pick him up to comfort him because we're driving in the car or he's eating dinner in his high chair.  However, when I start singing Lavender Blue and he immediately calms down it's like I actually do have super powers.  Believe me there are many times throughout the day when I feel totally inadequate as a parent, but seeing his face as he intently listens to my voice makes all that other "stuff" fade away.

Thursday, March 4


The construction fence has been taken down around our new house so hopefully this weekend we'll be getting some pictures of our new place.  I went to take some this morning when I went for my walk but I was too self conscious because of all the construction workers working on the surrounding houses.  So I'm planning on going over this weekend when the workers will be gone.  When we're 100% sure (probably the 10th, right when Wil leaves for North Carolina unfortunately) that's where we'll be moving I'll e-mail out our new address.

Wednesday, March 3


****Disclaimer - if you're tired of talking about Forest City then this is not the post for you =) *******

Well it looks like another avenue into a duplex has closed for us.  We had told Forest City that we would be willing to move out into a hotel or short term rental for a few weeks if we could get into a duplex.  Our "relocation specialist" told us she had to ask her manager if that would be possible and she just told us that we will not be able to do so.  We're going to talk to her manager just to clarify why we wouldn't be able to do so, sounds like basically if we did that we would get bumped from the system/wait list and the allotments would get messed up.  So barring Wil being able to talk things out with the manager we are left with waiting for three people to move out of the duplexes in the next month. 

On one hand it's frustrating that we've been still hoping to get into a duplex, working this route and trying to set up possible places to stay and store our stuff.  But on the other hand if this door closes then we will know in the next week that we are moving into the fourplexes and in about two weeks we could be in a brand new house.  The not knowing is hard especially for someone like me who loves to plan.  Even though we'll be disapointed if we end up in the fourplex it will be exciting to finally know for sure and be able to design our room layouts and buy paint. 

Monday, March 1

More treasure hunting

Abigail created her very own picnic during her quiet time

Chasing Daddy

Waiting for "muggles" to clear out

The treasure!

We found it!

Logging our find

We let Ethan skip the family photo since he fell asleep in the stroller

This cache is "our everest" - I don't know how many times we've tried to find it

Still no luck, but a cute pic of Abigail

Open up

Enjoying a much deserved treat after walking all around Kailua

Who needs napkins?