Thursday, March 25

Glad that's over

Whew, okay, we're now totally moved out of our old place.  I wish I could say we're totally moved into our new house but unfortunately I am surrounded by a sea of boxes as I type this.  I underestimated how much harder the process would be with Ethan here.  He seems to be teething right now which means he wants to be held.  A LOT.  Abigail has been really great throughout the move.  (Other than waking up in the middle of the night throwing up the night before they moved our stuff over, but I can't really blame her for that.  Or wait, can I?)  Things would have been a lot easier except for the fact that the movers "forgot" to move our lawnmower, some lumber, and our whole front coat closet.  I didn't find out until later that evening because they picked up their last load while I was still at the new house.  When they assured me they had picked everything up from the old place I took them at their word without double-checking, which I should have done.  So that meant I had to make several trips back and forth with whatever I could fit in the Vue.  I'm proud of myself for being able to move us (again) while Wil's gone but I hope I never have to do it again!

I promise I'll post some pictures soon.

1 comment:

~Kimberly said...

You are super woman. Two moves all by yourself... well, with the "help" of the little ones.

Wil owes you a few spa days, huh?