Sunday, July 12


I've been able to have a couple of good phone calls from Wil and lots of e-mails in the last few days. We've made some progress on the issue of baby names and we have a new favorite for if the baby is a boy. We're not keeping the names a secret but we are going to hold off on telling people until we've made a final decision.

I'm starting to realize how little time we have left of this deployment - especially when I look at the few boxes that are still scattered around the house. I'm torn between just plowing through and getting it all done now before I get too pregnant and waiting until my folks are here and they can watch Abigail while I get it done.

1 comment:

~Kimberly said...

My vote is for waiting for the folks! But remember that you may not be up for it AFTER baby comes!!! One day at a time, my dear... that's how I survive!