Saturday, May 30

Big weekend

Well the movers are done and our new house is full of boxes and just my luck, as soon as I went to start unpacking the air conditioner shut down. For some reason the circuit breaker keeps tripping so I'm having maintence come out and look at it during the week (the soonest I could get them there for a non-emergancy repair - although with as hot as it is today I'm tempted to call back and upgrade it to an emergancy repair). So now I'm sitting in our old house on the floor while a crew of workers clean the house and steam clean the carpets. 3 guys and 5 hours of work and the house is looking great. I'm so glad I didn't try to do this myself because I would be going insane. I'm writing this from the floor of our old house because the internet doesn't get turned on at our new place until monday - I was seriously going though internet/cable withdrawl last night. I'm so used to being able to just hop on the internet and get any information I might need, like say why an air conditioner would keep tripping the circuit breaker. =)

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