Friday, February 28

Have you ever been falling apart inside but felt like you had to bottle it up? Like you had to walk around like nothing's wrong? That's the way I've felt for the past 6 days. On Sunday when my husband and I got home from the lab at school we found a message on our machine. It was the Navy corpsman with his unit so we both assumed that the supply of Anthrax vaccines had come in and he would have to report to Lansing to receive his shot. We couldn't have been more wrong. We needed to by groceries so my husband and I went into town and he just called in on his cell phone. That call has changed my life forever. He turned very somber on the phone and wouldn't look at me. I usually jump to the conclusion that something is wrong so I tried to convince myself that I was over-reacting. But I wasn't. My husband hung up the phone and said, "We just got activated."

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