Wednesday, June 22

Preschool logic

Abigail: Mommy, look a princess booster seat, can we get it?

Me: No, Abigail you don't use a booster seat any more.

Abigail: No, but Ethan does.

Me: Yes, but do you think Ethan would want a princess booster seat?

Abigail: No, but a baby sister would.

Me: Yes, but you don't have a baby sister.

Abigail: Well, no, not yet.

(And no this is not our way of announcing a pregnancy, that's just how Abigail's mind works.)


Alaina said...

This is me pressing the "like" button...oh wait...that's facebook :)

Lynn said...

wow, that's a big HINT from Abigail, hehe! Grammy wouldn't mind another baby to hold : ) love you!

Anonymous said...

Kris'm, my heart started beating real fast when I read Abigail's last comment - but then it slowed way down when I read your disclaimer! { :

We stayed in Kansas 3 days helping with wheat harvest and I got my fixes by helping Rachel with the kids while she cooked. Olivia is now 15 months and Isabella GAIL (!!) is 2 1/2 weeks.

Sew Stella said...

Hey Krista! I know its been a while, but I have been following here and there.... Abigail is such a beautiful little girl!!! Email me when you get a chance... it's semi important... missdoglady3@yahoo (hint: we may be seeing you soon...)