Tuesday, May 4

Sand Bar

Well it only took us two years but we finally made it out to the sand bar.  We had so much fun just hanging out and relaxing with our friends.  For some reason all the kids wanted to hang out on the boat instead of playing on the sand or in the water.  The morning was made even more interesting due to the fact that there were some professional kiteboarders there having photos taken from a helicopter.  Wil and Kelly of course had to go talk to the helicopter pilot.  It was definitely one of those mornings where Wil and I kept asking ourselves why we waited so long to do this!

View from the boat

Getting set up

Looking towards Kaneohe



Enjoying the water

Ethan kept chewing on his hat which made it hard to keep on his head

The sand bar after the tide came in

There were some 53's heading out as we were bringing the boat back to the marina


Kristina said...

Krista, your pics turned out great!!

Lynn said...

I second that! love the pictures of the kiteboarders. You give those professional photographers a run for their money! Maybe you should sell your pictures to them. : )