Saturday, April 17

Abigail's Room

I finally got the second coat of paint up in Abigail's room and her new princess blanket.  I still have a couple of finishing touches to do, maybe some princess wall stickers or painting a border on the room.


~Kimberly said...

Very cute and girlie! I'm sure she loves it too! You should get 'wallies' they are like wallpaper stick ons that stick on AND OFF with water. Easy to remove and reuse!

Lynn said...

it's Loverleeeee! I had a lavender room when I was a child too. It is a room perfectly fit for a PRINCESS! so it perfectly fits Abigail : )

Jonathan and April Bryant said...

I don't know if you read these but...I love the layout! It does look great and gives her lots of room to play!