Friday, October 16

The bet

And the winning time was . . . ten minutes! Congratulations Wil =)

We went out to dinner with a bunch of "Ugly" friends last night to say goodbye to the Turner's - we're going to miss you guys! Abigail, Andrew, Addision and Trevor were running around like crazy the whole night. Plus Abigail failed to take her nap yesterday and it was an hour and a half past her normal with a nap bedtime. (We usually put her down early when she doesn't take a nap.) So Wil and I had a bet to see how soon after leaving the restaurant she would fall asleep. I said 7 minutes, he said 9. In hindsight I should have let him change his guess to 3 minutes when he wanted to because sure enough right around ten minutes we looked back and she was just nodding off.

That was our first time at Haleiwa Joe's and I have to say we will definitely be going back. The menu is a little light if, like me, you don't eat seafood but the Haiku chicken was so delicious I think I would be fine if that was the only entree on the menu. Or you could go with what Zarro and Christina did and get a slab of prime rib that was literally as big as my head.

1 comment:

Ladners'Latest said...

Andrew stayed awake all the way to Nanakuli!!! I thought he'd never go down. Glad you guys came out with us last night. We need to do that more often :)