Tuesday, September 8


We've been busy enjoying having Wil home due to paternity leave and adjusting to life with two kids (Yikes! How crazy does that sound?) Ethan is doing well and seems to be on a two feedings a night schedule which is wonderful. Abigail is in love with her new baby brother "E-fan" and is constantly hugging and kissing him. We've only had a couple of issues with her dealing with a new baby in the house, mostly her wanting to sit in the swing which she is now too big for.
Ethan had his first trip to the beach on Monday when our church had a labor day picnic down at Kailua beach park. He spent most of his time in the little tent or in the baby carrier under a big floppy hat. But that was pretty good considering it took us until Abigail was a year old to take her to the beach even though we were living in the Pensacola, Florida area. I can already see that we're much more relaxed with Ethan than we were with Abigail. I'm guessing that's the norm with second kids.


~Kimberly said...

That first picture of "E-fan" is adorable!

Lynn said...

You're so very right that "more relaxed" is the norm after the first one. You'll find that you are more relaxed with each subsequent one. By #4, as long as blood is not being spilled just about anything goes. : ) well, not really, but you know what I mean. He's such a sweet little boy! so glad that he's settling into a routine that gives you some rest. Grammy can't wait to hold him!

Jonathan and April Bryant said...

So happy for you guys. We need to catch up soon. Miss you.