Thursday, January 8


For those of you who don't know, Wil is set to deploy with his unit sometime in the next two weeks. We have a tenative date to deploy but for OPSEC reasons we obviously can't disclose their exact departure schedule. It is expected that this will be a seven month deployment to the sand box. The place where he's going is very well established, which means lots of access to the internet and telephones. All three of us would appreciate your prayers as we go through our first "real" deployment and the longest separation we've ever had. If you would like Wil's address "over there" let me know and I will send it to you directly.


Tonia said...

my thoughts are with you guys!
anthony leaves out early next week for 7 months to djibouti, africa. we're in the same boat as you, with this being our first deployment. so, write me anytime krista!! safe travels to our hubbies and keep in touch! =)

Anonymous said...

Hi Krista - I found your link on Sarah's blog. I love that so many people from Hudson have blogs now.

My thoughts will be with your family during your hubby's absence. I'm a Navy wife, so I've had lots of experience with deployments and various separations. We were only together maybe 2 of the first 4 years of our marriage. We've been lucky the last 3 years and he's been home but he'll be gone a lot this year and deployed again by November. Gotta love military life. Stay strong! :)

Yvonne LeBrun said...

Our prayers are with all three of you. We'll be right behind you in deployments, Jeff should be heading out in about 8 weeks. Hang in there and we'll all get through the next 7-9 months!!

sarah b. said...

We'll be thinking about you. That sounds rough :( Hopefully it will go by fast. Wish I could come and visit.
p.s. Annie is having a girl!