I had my 32 week appointment yesterday, two hours worth of driving, dropping Abigail at the YMCA waiting room and waiting myself in order to see a nurse practitioner for 5 minutes. It's nice to hear the baby's hearbeat and know that everything is going well but it really makes me wonder why they can't handle these early appointments at the clinic over here on K-bay. I did get the results back from my blood glucose test that they did at my last appointment and my blood sugar levels are fine, so that was good to hear.
Abigail continues to progress with her potty training although she did have an accident when I was renewing her registration for the kiddie programs on base. Fortunately it was my last stop of the morning and I had a spare change of clothes in the car so she didn't have to ride back to the house in those clothes or get her car seat all wet. Last night she got up in the middle of the night and went potty all by herself. She then came and woke me up to help her empty the little potty and get back in her jammies. She's been able to stay dry through the night for a long time so it was reassuring that if she wasn't able to go the whole night that she knew what to do.
There's been a lot in the news about the Marines latest push in Afghanistan and we're pretty sure that the Uglies were involved based on photos that the wives have found:
Fox News Story
Washington Post Photos - check out this photo as well, it's partially cut off but it sure looks like it says HMH-Hawaii on the side, maybe someone with a little more experience in telling the difference between delta's and echo's can say for sure. The difference I always look for is the refueling probe since it's very obvious but you can't see that in this picture.
I received a couple of e-mails from Wil during the night and we have plans to meet on Skype this afternoon so hopefully we'll get some confirmation on what the Uglies have been doing. However, due to the casualties in this offensive, "River City" may be called so he might not be able to get on-line. (River City - restricted communications, often called when there are casualties so that families can be officially notified before hearing it through the grapevine).
Check out Kim's blog for more photos and news stories.
日本版タックス・シェルター・ファンド―多様な事業体の法務・税務と租税判例 by 平野 嘉秋
5 years ago
When I was pregnant with Trevor, I had the option to go to the clinic on kbay up until late pregnancy, but stupid me, I thought, oh, continuity of care would be nice so we'll just go to Tripler, but that didn't happen at Tripler anyways. I saw a different Dr. each visit... I'm so sorry you have to go through all that. It's not very convenient for 5 minute visits! Just 2 more months though!!! (or less!)
Krista: we're praying. I was soooo unhappy that I missed a call this morning from Wil (Fri 7/3) but so glad to know that even in this busy time he is thinking of others. I'm wearing my "Ugly Angel" bracelet to Uganda : )
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