Wil wings this Friday, which will be the completion of his advanced helicopter training. After that he'll go on to his Fleet Replacement Squadron (FRS), previously known as "the rag." There he'll learn how to fly the actual helicopter that he'll fly for the Marine Corps. We put in our preferences for the airframe and location of his next training but it was ultimately the Marine Corps' decision as to where we would go and what he would do. So Wil chose the airframe, the CH-53 was his top pick and I chose the location, Hawaii was my first pick. We found out on Tuesday that we both go what we wanted! After the six month FRS which is in North Carolina we'll be off to Honolulu. We won't have orders until Monday at the earliest but sometime next week we'll more than likely be leaving Pensacola.
日本版タックス・シェルター・ファンド―多様な事業体の法務・税務と租税判例 by 平野 嘉秋
5 years ago